The Continuing Story of Vostok Lake: news, updates, blogging

The Stories of Comics and Stories: Part 4, "The Dive (entrance and exit)"

Submitted by vostoklake on

In contrast with some of the works dating back decades, other parts of the album were literally completed after recording had already begun. I refer in particular to the decision to attach Tricia’s poem “The Dive” to an instrumental I had written years before (then titled “Theme from Vostok Lake”) which was always intended to book-end the album.

The Stories of Comics And Stories: Part 2, "Amateur Hour"

Submitted by vostoklake on

Daphne Lawless continues her series of backgrounders to the stories on our new album. Artwork by Tricia Hall.

Did I already mention some of these pieces are very old indeed? The introductory 13/8 riff to “Amateur Hour” was bequeathed to me by a guitar player in an old band during Bill Clinton’s first term. Listeners have said it sounds like King Crimson, probably not an accident, since this gentleman was an alumnus of R. Fripp’s Guitar Craft. I tried it out for size in various songs until it fit.

The Stories of Comics and Stories: Part 1, "Office Work"

Submitted by vostoklake on

Welcome to the first day of the Comics and Stories era. We've been sitting on these songs in recorded version for most of a year, and in their "conceptual" form for in some cases more than a decade before then. Now it is our pleasure - or specifically, that of Daphne, our main composer - to bring you some of the backstory that might enhance your listening. Songs are presented in no particular order.

Comics and Stories out on Bandcamp right now

Submitted by vostoklake on

Well, here it is. Feast your eyeballs. Available for digital pre-order at Bandcamp - our double A-side single "Don't Tell The Doctor" c/w "Cut and Run" is available for streaming and download right now. The remainder of the album will be released when the physical merch is ready.

Please let us know what you think. We hope you like it.

Home stretch

Submitted by vostoklake on

We took delivery of the final mixes for Comics and Stories today. We'd like to take this opportunity for a special shoutout to our producer, Jess Haugh, without whom none of this would have been possible - it being her suggestion to take VL back into the studio in the first place, back in 2015, when we were honestly beginning to wonder whether it was worth it. She ran recording sessions smoothly and intelligently, and gave both Daphne and Tricia valuable feedback on vocals - and in turn, had to put up with all kind of finicky comments about the mix.

Now here's the news

Submitted by vostoklake on

Turns out we're going back into the studio again, to do some "repair" vocals, and also to record an extra-special bonus track which we decided the album wasn't complete without.

Release scheduled for December. It's still happening.