The Continuing Story of Vostok Lake: news, updates, blogging

Last day of recording

Submitted by vostoklake on

Recording of Comics and Stories finally concluded today, 5 years after it started. Tricia actually scared the producer with some of her unearthly calls. Vostok Lake will next play live in Auckland on Saturday 8th August (details to follow).

The end is nigh

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We have completed recording of the instrumental tracks for the last Comics & Stories numbers. We're planning on going back into the studio in July to do the vocals. It sounds pretty cool.

It is done. We're in the hands of destiny.

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The Comics and Stories Kickstarter raised $1,077 in NZ currency - enough for us to achieve a couple of stretch goals. We hope to be putting up a "post-deadline" donations link soon so that others can get their hands on some of those sweet rewards, including the "Cut and Run"/"Don't Tell The Doctor" double-A side single.

Provisional complete setlist for the album, estimated date of completion September 2020:

Vostok Lake Valentine's Day Review in Pride 2020

Submitted by vostoklake on

Vostok Lake, Auckland’s pre-eminent queer electronic-progressive musical duo, teams up with heavy friends for an avant-garde evening of satire, synthesizers and sheer sex, as part of Auckland Pride 2020. Described as “Flight of the Conchords meets Depeche Mode, except women” or the “illegitimate love child of Tori Amos and Gary Numan", Vostok Lake are promoting their upcoming album, their first in 10 years.


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Our good friends at Random Static have finally gotten around to offering all previous Vostok Lake albums (and Daphne's pre-VL solo albums) for download, both in MP3 and glorious lossless FLAC format. Stay tuned for announcements about a major Vostok Lake gig in early 2020; and for news about the long awaited second album, Comics and Stories. The short version is: 7 songs are in the can. How can you help us finish it???

PRESS RELEASE: Queer electro-pop for Valentine's Day

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Auckland lesbian electropop duo VOSTOK LAKE will be performing a special Valentine's Day set at the Dog's Bollix, just off K' Road in Auckland.

VOSTOK LAKE is Tricia Hall (vocals) and Daphne Lawless (keyboards) - a married couple as well as a musical duo - who have been bringing their combination of synth-pop, progressive rock, performance poetry and queer cabaret to Auckland audiences since 2018.