The Stories of Comics and Stories: Part 4, "The Dive (entrance and exit)"

Submitted by vostoklake on
Tricia's artwork for "The Dive"

In contrast with some of the works dating back decades, other parts of the album were literally completed after recording had already begun. I refer in particular to the decision to attach Tricia’s poem “The Dive” to an instrumental I had written years before (then titled “Theme from Vostok Lake”) which was always intended to book-end the album.

Tricia writes: this began as a spoken-word piece created during a writing class at Toi Ora in Auckland. I think it was performed once or twice in previous versions at an event at St Kevin's Arcade, Karangahape Road, many hears ago. I guess it describes the kind of place that everybody knows, and has been to... it's that anywhere-and-nowhere feeling of vague familiarity, but also strangeness. Also: the places you go back to are never quite the same when you return; always slightly shabbier. It's like recreating what used to be there... and the little ghosts that live in the corners of those places.